Friday night – Kabbalat shabat

The English phrase “T.G.I.F” –took on a new shade of meaning for our community, this week. After a break of many decades, we resumed the age old tradition of holding Friday night services followed by Kiddush and a warm and modest Friday night meal.

As far as I am concerned, each individual who attends our services is a dignitary and therefore it is fair to say that we had many V.I.P.’s present at the event, I shall not bore you with particulars.

People were charmed by the authentic aura of the evening and the warm and homely atmosphere that we have created.

“Mitzvah goreret mitzvah” – “one positive act produces another positive act”; a particularly insightful statement of our sages implying that through a simple virtuous act we can produce a ripple effect of positivity. A single act, even modest has the potential to serve as the catalyst to something infinitely greater and a state of reality incomparably more sublime than the actual act that started the whole process. (Much like Larry Burrows [James Belushi] in Mr. Destiny.)

After each successful event, we are inspired to continue and to host more and more events. The previous events have spurred on additional events, leading up to the Friday night prayer service, which leads to the monthly Friday night services followed by Kiddush and dinner. This monthly service, I anticipate to lead to weekly Friday night services, which in turn can lead to ….

It is therefore with real gratitude that I applaud all who are part of this renaissance; in this exciting project of propelling our community into a fully functioning Jewish kehillah.

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